Urban Skin Care Clinic

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How to check your moles for skin cancer

How to Effectively Self Examine Your Mole At Home 

First and foremost, I can't stress enough the importance of getting your skin checked regularly by your dermatologist. But I'd love to share a technique with you today so you can do self exams at home.

The type of skin cancer I am talking about today is melanoma. Those usually start out with a mole-like spot, therefore, when examining your moles at home, you want to look for A B C D E.

A stands for "Asymmetry", does one side of the mole match the other? 

B stands for "Border", do the outer edges look irregular? 

C stands for "Color", is the mole dark or multicolor? 

D stands for "Diameter", is the mole larger than six millimeter? Six millimeter is as big as a the eraser side of a pencil. 

E stands for "Evolving", is the mole or the lesion changing in color, size or shape?

If you see something suspicious, definitely make that appointment and see a dermatologist.


Sun Safety 101

First and foremost, any dermatologist or esthetician will tell you, do NOT use tanning beds. From there, you want to wear pants and long sleeve shirts when possible. Also, consider wearing hats and sunglasses and remember reflection: be extra cautious when you're near water, snow, or sand. 

When it comes to sunscreen, you want to apply your sunscreen before going outside. Make sure your sunscreen is broad spectrum and that it's protecting against UVA, the aging grays, and and UVB, the burning rays. You want to reapply your sun sunscreen every two hours or after swimming or sweating. 

My favorite one is a physical sunscreen by Image Skincare. It is a SPF 50. That's what I like in the spring and summer months. You can go to a 30 for fall and winter but definitely SPF 50 and any more than that is not doing a whole lot more. That's like the sweet spot. I prefer a physical sunscreen. 

If you haven't already, read this article which is all about sunscreens. Remember to practice sun safety every day all year long!