Maedeh Samimi Urban Skin Care Clinic Microcurrent Case Study

Maedeh Samimi: This week, I'm joined by a long time client of mine, Tara.  Hi, Tara! It's so nice to have you. I think it's been two years we know each other, right? I think you reached out during the pandemic.

Tara: Yes, it was right towards the tail end. The other spa location was closed and I was badly in need of a facial. I just googled and found you, and you said you were opening up soon.

Maedeh Samimi: I love it! Okay, let's get right to it. Tell us about your skincare journey.

Tara: So, to give people an idea, I'm 41 now, and I had been taking oral contraceptives until I was about 28. I'd been getting facials just to be extra glowy, but I really thought my skin was just naturally flawless.

But when I went off birth control, that was revealed not to be the case, at all. I had hormonal acne, which got worse when I got pregnant.  You have limited options when you're pregnant and nursing in terms of what you can do for it, so that was unpleasant. I thought that once I was done with having babies and with the nursing period of my life, my skin would calm down.but it didn't.

So I accepted that. I was not able to get facials every month and I didn't use retinol. I used some products that helped a bit but it never really was a sustained change for me. 

So when I started seeing you, you really helped calm my skin down a lot. Something I like about your treatments is that it's relaxing but it's not like one of those facials at a spa. Spa facials are just all relaxation but in terms of your skin looking different, you're hydrated, and that's about it. With your treatments, I can actually see improvements in my skin. If I can, I don't miss a month. It really helps me keep things under control. 

So you not only worked on me in terms of my acne, but also through my transition from my late 30s going into the 40s. I was having some aging signs and it's disturbing to realize that this is happening. Your treatments really helped with that, especially the microcurrent. 

Microcurrent is something I haven't seen elsewhere, and that gives those types of results I'm addicted to. I can tell towards the end of the month when I need to go back. For example, I wouldn't schedule a photo shoot four weeks from my last microcurrent, I'd make sure it was scheduled when you had just done it because it gives me more volume. It's more natural-looking volume than with injectables because it's your muscles, it's your face. It's not some material someone injects in you. I also noticed that my smile is more symmetric. It seems like a weird thing to say but my smile is much more symmetric after a certain treatment. I know you don't have to get it every month but for me, I feel at my best when I get it every month so that's what I do. I tell everyone I can about it, but not a lot of people offer it. So I'm very fortunate that you offer it.

Maedeh Samimi: That is so good to hear. Thank you for sharing all of that. I'm glad you brought up microcurrent because I wanted to specifically ask you about it. You did the series and now you do the maintenance once a month, which is great. It's a workout for your facial muscles, right? How would you say your skin has improved?

Tara: In terms of changes, since we started working together, you've helped me maintain my hydration better. That was an issue with acne. I was so focused on trying things out but then as I was getting older, my skin was actually getting drier so that would block oil in there and thus making it worse.

You really helped me with maintaining my moisture balance.  In my skincare routine, I was kind of being a little too aggressive: too much scrub, not enough doing masks. I still don't follow everything as much as you say but I'm working on it. 

So I would say my hyperpigmentation has been better, my hydration definitely has been better, and the texture of my skin also, I think.

Maedeh Samimi: Wonderful, all the things we want. So what would you say to someone who's noticing signs of aging, but maybe they're not ready or don't want to go through the injectables route or surgery?

Tara: I went to a plastic surgeon for consultation or eyelid surgery. He showed me a picture where I had lost volume along my cheekbones and that's actually something I was considering. So we decided to try the microcurrent first when I told you about that. 

Now, I don't really feel the need to do the injectables because I can get a more natural look and comparable results, better even, with microcurrent. It's not just like injecting in one place, all of my muscles are toned, and I have more volume.

So for someone who is thinking about injectables, definitely try microcurrent first. I mean, you can get the injectables afterwards, of course, but I'd say try microcurrent first and see how far you can get with it.

Maedeh Samimi: You probably don't know this, but I talk about you all the time to my clients. It's such a pleasure to have you. Thank you again for sharing your story, I appreciate your time and I look forward to seeing you next time. Tara has her appointments set up all through next year! She sets the time and works her schedule around it because self care is important.

Tara: You're worth the investment, Maedeh!


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