What do you look for when choosing a provider?

The Skin Coach in Georgia Podcast Maedeh Samimi What do you look for when choosing a provider

I'd like to tell you a little bit about my Urban Skin Care Clinic and how it all came about. Give you a high level overview and the backstory. I had been working at a local medical spa for about four years,and I got promoted into a clinic director position. I loved my staff, our clients. Everything was great and I loved my job, I was very happy. Everything was great, until it wasn't.

Situations arose with the leadership team that made me feel betrayed and unsupported. For those of you who don't know me, I am genuinely a happy person, and I refuse to stay in a situation or even a relationship where my soul isn't thriving. I chose this profession because it truly brings me joy helping other women with their skincare needs. But in order to help others, first I need to fill up my own cup so I can show up as the best version of myself. I need to feel balanced, happy, and content so that I can pour into other people's cup. Being an esthetician at times feels like being a therapist. My clients open up to me and I love listening to their stories, but I need to be in a good space myself.

I resigned from my previous position because staying true to my core values is far more important to me than a salary. Fun fact, I actually got a raise two weeks before I resigned. My core values are honesty, integrity, respectfulness, caring, enjoyment, professionalism, which were not being met. So I felt like my time was up with that company.

I left one week before athanksgiving 2019, I took the holiday season off to clear my head, spent time with my family, and boy, I needed that mental break. Oh my goodness, that was huge. It's amazing how  your thought process changes when you give yourself space to think clearly. I did apply to a couple of positions, but it was the holiday season, and everyone was busy with end of year stuff, holiday staff parties, and not really in hiring mode. So no one got back to me. Now I am a firm believer in "everything happens for a reason". I'm human, but I try not to let it upset me when something doesn't go as I hoped, because life experience has taught me that there's always something better coming my way.

My intuition led me to starting my own business. For the record, I am very in tune with my body. And I always listen to my gut feeling because it's always right.

 I thought to myself, What do I have to lose? But if I don't try, I'll never know. So, I signed a lease in February 2020, for one year with zero clients on my books. And you know what, I wasn't even scared, because I felt good about my intention, and felt aligned with my mission.

I've been a licensed esthetician for over 10 years, so I've seen the good, the bad and everything in between. So I had this vision to create a no fluff skincare clinic where women would feel heard, and not like a number, a practice where I'd want to go to as a client. Here's couple of examples that I planned to do differently once I have my own place. I hate feeling rushed, and I hated being told I only had had X amount of time to perform a certain step during a facial. Now, being punctual is very important to me. I'm always respectful of my time and my clients time. But I love having the freedom to customize the treatment based on what the skin needs. You will never see upgrades and add-on extra stuff on my menu. I don't agree with that model where you go in for a facial and once they assess your skin and recommend XY and Z at an extra cost. I will never operate that way.

Here is what to expect when you first come into my Urban Skin Care Clinic. We will start by a thorough consultation. I like to get to know you and your skincare needs so I can recommend the best treatment plan to help you achieve your desired results. This consultation is complementary, it's an opportunity for us to get to know each other and decide if we are the right fit.

For instance, on my intake form, I ask if you are open to injectables, I don't offer injectables, but knowing whether you're open to the idea or not helps me in my recommendation, I'll be honest in my recommendation and let you know I may not have the best treatment for your desired outcome.

 Urban Skin Care Clinic is two and a half years old, and I have so many exciting plans for the future. If you are a current client of Urban Skincare Clinic, I would love to know your feedback. DM me on Instagram or Facebook @urbanskincareclinic and let me know if what I just mentioned has been your experience?

Let me know if there's anything you'd like to learn more about. My inbox is always open. Until next time, take good care of yourselves.


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