The Best Laser Treatment You Need To Know About

The Best Laser Treatment You Need To Know About

The Aerolase Neo Elite is a brand new laser technology that is disrupting the aesthetic industry.

Over 10 years ago, I became an aesthetician, because I was suffering with severe adult cystic acne and was looking for a long term solution rather than putting a bandaid on my acne by taking antibiotics and take medication, so I made it my mission to learn about skin and the way it functions.

I enrolled in an aesthetic program and took countless continuous education classes (still do), attended many seminars and workshops to gain an understanding of skin types, conditions and effective solutions. After all, I chose this profession to find answers not just to rub creams on people's faces!

I founded Urban Skin Care Clinic with one intention; to help women re-gain their confidence in their appearance. When my clients look in the mirror and don't see acne, rosacea, dark spots or sagging and smile instead, because they see a healthy complexion that's radiant, bright and smooth, that's when I've done my job.

And I started this blog to be your esthetician friend, someone I desperately needed by my side when I was struggling with my acne, but didn't have, I didn't have anyone to turn to so I am here to be your esthetician friend. A safe space for you to ask questions and cut through the fluff and give you the real deal in the aesthetic industry.

Why a laser?

Well, I firsthand have experience with light and laser devices and I know what they're capable of. I'm always looking for ways to elevate my clients experience in their skincare journey. And I've been on the lookout for a unicorn device to bring into Urban Skin Care Clinic and I can't believe I found it.

The Aerolase Neo Elite laser is proven to deliver excellent clinical results for all skin types. That alone is disrupting the laser industry. Even if you have a suntan, you can get a laser treatment. Whether you have very light skin or very dark skin, you'll benefit from this laser, which is unheard of. There are many laser devices out there on the market, but they are not designed to treat darker skin tones. Also, another very cool thing is there's no downtime. You're free to resume your regular activities after a treatment with the Neo Elite!

The Aerolase Neo Elite laser is FDA cleared to treat 36 indications and I'll share some of them with you:

  • Vascular lesions

  • Hemangiomas

  • Telangiectasia (broken capillaries)

  • Rosacea

  • Scars

  • Psoriasis

  • Acne

  • Age spots

  • Solar lentigos

  • Seborrheic keratosis

  • Unwanted hair; yes, this laser device does hair removal

  • Hypertrophic scars

  • Chloasma or melasma

  • Skin tags

  • Cafe au lait macules

  • Wrinkles

  • Pigmented lesions

  • Pseudofolliculitis Barbie (PFB)

So how does the Aerolase Neo Elite laser work?

This particular lasers's uniqueness is in its 650 microsecond technology delivering a 1064 nm wavelength that allows for so many skin concerns to be addressed a gentle yet effective manner. The result is an improvement in your skin's overall quality, tone, and texture. So essentially, what that means is the laser energy travels so deep into the skin but so fast that your pain receptors don't have time to react.

Is the Aerolase Neo Elite Laser painful?

Not at all. It feels like a drop of warm water on your skin.

How does the Aerolase Neo Elite laser treat acne?

By reducing the severity of current outbreaks, while also reducing the frequency and severity of future breakouts. The laser energy penetrates deeply into the skin generating heat around the sebaceous glands (oil glands) which reduces sebum production (oil production), suppresses inflammation and destroys the P.Acne bacteria. Shortly after the treatment, you should start to see a reduction in swelling and overall number of acne lesions should decrease as well.

The Aerolase Neo Elite laser is attracted to pigment, hemoglobin and water, it will stimulate collagen for skin rejuvenation, remove dark spots and also treat anything vascular, (rosacea, broken capillaries, etc.)

Who is the ideal candidate for the Aerolase Neo Elite laser treatment?

Basically, if you have skin, you'll benefit from this safe yet effective treatment. This laser is so gentle that it can be added to any facial treatment in the same session!

Are you excited to try this laser treatment for yourself? Well, you can! The Aerolase Neo Elite laser will be available at the newly renovated Urban Skin Care Clinic in Roswell, Georgia.

I am launching this incredible new service on July 20 and 21st, from 11am to 7pm. And you can be the first to experience it for yourself. Text the word LASER to 678-995-9755 and I'll share all the details with you. There will be specials, giveaways, and goodie bags for only the attendees on those two days July 20 and 21st.

Aerolase Neo Elite Laser FAQ:

Is a laser treatment safe on the face?

Yes. The Aerolase Neo Elite laser is an FDA cleared laser to safely treat 36 indications on all skin types and tones.

What does laser on the face do?

The Aerolase Neo Elite laser treats many skin conditions such as, acne, rosacea, wrinkles, dark spots, melasma, unwanted hair, and more.

Does laser on the face hurt?

No. The Aerolase Neo ELite laser is safe, and gentle. There is no need for numbing. Most people describe the sensation as a warm drop of water.

How much is a laser treatment on the face?

The cost of treatment is dependant on varies factors. We advise you to schedule an in-person free consultation to learn more about how our laser is able to correct your skin concerns.

What is the downtime after a laser treatment?

There is no downtime after you receive a treatment with our Aerolase Neo Elite laser. You are free to resume your regular activities.

Can the neck area be treated with a laser?

Yes. We can safely treat all parts of the body.

How often do I need a laser treatment?

Frequency of treatment is dependent on the condition being treated.


  • Those who are pregnant

  • Those who are sunburned or have irritated skin in the sites to be treated

  • Those who have healed poorly after other types of laser treatments

  • Those who are exhibiting unidentified skin conditions in the site to be treated

  • Those who are using a topical retinol should wait 2 days before treatment

  • Those who suffer from Lupus and other light sensitive conditions

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Common Skincare Questions Answered (Part 2)


What is LED therapy?