How To Remove Dark Spots?
You may have noticed dark spots otherwise known as hyperpigmentation on your own skin or on others. Most people experience dark spots at some point in their lives which are primarily caused by unprotected exposure to the sun.
The Best Laser Treatment You Need To Know About
If you've been wondering if laser treatment is the way to go for your skin concerns, you might be right. In this blog post you'll learn: Benefits of the Aerolase Neo Elite laser, Who's the best candidate, The technology behind this laser, Downtime to account for and when to attend the launching of the Aerolase Neo Elite laser at Urban Skin Care Clinic.
How to use retinol the right way and Vitamin C 101
Do you ever wish there was a magic ingredient(s) to turn back the aging clock? Well, retinol and vitamin C could be the missing ingredients you've been looking for.
Melasma case study with MaryKathryn Campbell
MaryKathryn Campbell is this week's guest, join the conversation as she shares her struggle with Melasma and her journey to clear, confident, and glowing skin.
What causes dark spots and Melasma?
What causes dark spots? How can you prevent dark spots in your golden years? What is melasma? What are the symptoms of melasma? And more!