7 Benefits of professional versus over-the-counter skincare products

7 Benefits of professional versus over-the-counter skincare products Maedeh Samimi Urban Skin Care Clinic

Do you ever wonder if there's any difference between professional versus over the counter strength skincare products? Well, that's exactly what we're covering today. 


1) Professional skincare products are made in small batches.

When a product is made in mass quantities, it becomes difficult to control the quality. Professional skincare lines are often made in small batches and distributed only to authorized sellers, where over the counter skincare products may not offer the same level of safety or efficacy, they are mass produced to keep up with the demand.


2) Professional skincare products have higher levels of active ingredients.

Over-the-counter skincare products are designed to appeal to customers who self-diagnose their skin issues. They have lower concentrations of active ingredients to minimize the chances of a negative reaction. To keep up with the demand, manufacturers often add fillers and preservatives to their products whereas professional products contain more percentage of active ingredients and better quality of ingredients in general.

With this in mind, it is particularly important to adhere to the application recommendations from your skincare therapist. I highly advise you to seek a professional's help in getting a customized routine created for your home use that's tailored to your skin type, needs, and condition.


3) Professional skincare products are designed for maximum penetration.

Our skin has a protective barrier that prevents large molecules from penetrating the skin. The problem with many over-the-counter products is that they don't penetrate the skin barrier to cause any changes. They may superficially relieve surface skin concerns, but only professional products have small enough molecules to deliver clinical results.


4) Professional skincare products contain pH-adjusted ingredients.

What does that mean? The optimal pH level of our skin is between 4.7 and 5.7 which is mildly acidic. Over-the-counter skincare products oftentimes don't take pH value into account and often shift the skin's pH in the opposite direction.

Alkaline pH level leaves the skin vulnerable to bacteria and free radicals which can cause damage to the skin, but professional skincare products are designed to support the integrity of the skin's protective barrier using pH adjusted ingredients. I see this all the time. A lot of new clients who have been self-recommending over-the-counter products for themselves come in and after assessing their skin, I find their PH balance and their barrier function is all out of whack.

During a skin assessment, I would categorize their skin as normal or combination type but they'll say I'm so oily. Well, what happens is oftentimes, if you're cleansing your skin with a harsh cleanser or a cleanser that doesn't take the pH level of the skin into consideration, you're stripping your protective barrier and perhaps you're not nourishing your skin properly. So your skin goes into survival mode by producing more oil to protect itself and overcompensate.


5) Professional skincare products may contain prescription-strength ingredients.

Certain skin concerns like acne, melasma, or even rosacea will require a higher concentration of the active ingredient than what you can find in over-the-counter products.

Another very important piece to talk about is the active ingredients. As active ingredient levels increase, it becomes even more important to choose a high-quality product made for professionals only. Let's say you purchase an over-the-counter glycolic acid serum, but when you look at the ingredient list, that glycolic acid ingredient is way at the bottom of the ingredient list. Therefore, it's probably not doing a whole lot for your skin.


6) Professional skincare products are priced more honestly.

Professional skincare products are more potent, made with higher quality ingredients, and designed for maximum penetration so you don't need to use as much. When used properly, they last longer and work better than over-the-counter remedies which equates to a much better value long-term.

Also, you'll find that with most professional skincare products, they don't really try to spend their research dollars on fancy packaging because they don't market it to the public. Therefore, they're not trying to make it look appealing for you to pick it off the shelf. In other words, you're really paying for the ingredients, the formulations, and the delivery system that's in the bottles.


7) Professional skincare products can be customized for a certain skin type.

The key to effective skincare is choosing products appropriate for your skin type. Using the wrong moisturizer or exfoliant could make skin issues worse. Many over-the-counter products are not formulated with a specific skin type in mind, but professional products are!


Alright, there you have it. The 7 benefits of professional versus over-the-counter skincare products. I hope this was helpful. You can find me on Instagram and Facebook should you have any questions.


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