The Skin Coach in Georgia - How it all started

The Skin Coach in Georgia - How it all started Maedeh Samimi

Welcome to my blog. I'm Maedeh, founder of Urban Skin Care Clinic, wife, mother, and a former acne-sufferer turned clinical aesthetician. Let me share with you how I became who I am today.

About 17 years ago, I started my big girl job as a makeup artist and absolutely loved it. I very much enjoyed helping women enhance their natural beauty by teaching them makeup tips, and helping them feel good about themselves.

It was after a few years of being in the makeup world when my skin started freaking out and breaking out really bad. Thankfully, I was able to cover it all up really well with all the makeup tricks up my sleeve for a while, but then the more caked-on makeup the worst my breakouts got. I wasn't aware of the esthetic profession back then. I now joke with my acne clients that if I had been able to find an aesthetician who would take the time to listen to my concerns, someone who knew about acne and the roadmap to clearing acne, I may not be here today.


I went to a dermatologist and did not have the best experience, Unfortunately, this dermatologist didn’t spend any time listening to my struggle and didn't communicate much about what was causing my skin to break out the way it was. There are four grades of acne as far as severity. I had grade three acne.

Nor did the dermatologist create a plan of action going forward. What she did do was inject my cheeks with cortisone and walked out of the room. I was mortified to leave the office with bare skin. I remember on my way to the car, I was hoping no one would get in the elevator with me. That was rock bottom of the way I felt about my skin. My self-esteem was at its rock bottom.

So I got serious about finding answers and learning about the way our skin functions and trying to solve this skin problem on my own. It's important to say I didn't want to go on any medications. That’s when I came across the skin therapist profession, did some research, and enrolled in an aesthetic program. That was one of the best decisions of my life.


When I graduated, I immediately started working for a medical spa. I was also working with light and laser therapies and I was really enjoying it. About a year after, I had my daughter, Emma, and decided to stop working. I feel so grateful and blessed that I was able to do that. When I returned to work I started out in a day spa. I was learning a lot. I was enjoying it but my heart wasn't in it so I found my way back into the Medical Spa world.

Let's talk a little bit about the difference between day spa and medical spa settings. At a day spa, that's where you go to get a facial. It's nice to have a lot of relaxation. Medical spas are where your appointments are shorter, and treatments are much more targeted. That's where they'll offer injectables and laser treatments and more medical procedures. Having experience with both sides, I wanted to kind of marry these two worlds and create a space where my clients would feel safe and heard, the kind of space where I'd want to go as a client.


My first priority is for my clients to achieve results and their skincare goals.

Will they feel relaxed after their treatment? Yes.

Will they get compliments on their skin once they commit to their treatment plan? Yes.

Today, Urban Skin Care Clinic turns two! That's exciting. I'm so grateful to all my clients for allowing me to transform their skin. Please note that I totally get butterflies in my stomach when you look into the mirror and notice the improvements you were hoping for.

I am here today to share my tried and true knowledge and hope you learn useful information to apply to your daily skincare ritual. You can find me on Instagram and Facebook. DM me with your skincare questions and I'll answer them here.

Next week, I'll be talking about what is healthy skin. Until then, be your own kind of beautiful, my friends.


What is healthy skin and how can you maintain a healthy skin at any age?


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