Urban Skin Care Clinic

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Rosacea case study with Megan Wood

This week, I'm joined by Megan who shares her journey with rosacea.

Rosacea typically appears after the age of 30 as a flushing or redness on the skin that's chronic. Like anyone else, Megan started to cover it up with makeup, but at some point, she needed to seek help.

Fast forward 15 months later, her skin has improved so much that now, wearing makeup is an option rather than a security blanket. 

Maedeh: Hi Megan! Tell us a little bit about your journey with rosacea. When did it appear?


Megan: I've always had that slight little rosy cheek. I never really worried much about it as a teenager, but then I turned 30 and it got more intense. When I had my son in 2018, that's when it really just took off.


Maedeh: How did it feel to have redness on your face that wouldn't go away, or was hard to cover up?


Megan: I've never been a makeup girl. Most makeup I wore was eyeshadow and mascara.

I also got promoted into a management job in 2018 when I noticed my skin getting a lot more breakouts and those really big, nasty bumps under the skin. My skin was also drying out because of the rosacea. I looked like I had a permanent sunburn. People would say "oh, have you been in the sun?" and I'd answer "no, it's just my skin...".

Because of that, I learned how to apply makeup. Unfortunately, it was not what I wanted to do, but it did become an everyday full coverage thing just because I became self-conscious.


Maedeh: Personally, I'm acne-prone. I used to suffer from adult cystic acne and I was very self-conscious. You couldn't tell I had acne because I would cover it up really well. Having said that, it definitely affects your self-esteem. Did you seek help from a dermatologist or an esthetician?


Megan: In January 2021, I decided to do something because it was only getting worse. That's when I went to see you at Urban Skin Care Clinic.

We did different peels and you definitely recommend seeing a dermatologist because this was not a problem that would be settled by esthetician care alone. So in May, I went to a dermatologist and did a couple of rounds of antibiotics by mouth. They did give me some topicals but I didn't use them for more than probably a month.

I wasn't seeing that much improvement. I saw more improvement with my esthetician care than I did with the medicated prescription.


Maedeh: What made you give Urban Skin Care Clinic a try, and how has your experience been so far?


Megan: It's been great. My skin has done a 180 and I don't really have breakouts anymore.

In the winter, my skin would literally peel off my face by flakes. I didn't experience that at all this year. The image skincare line that you gave me has been amazing. I use it every day. I'm very consistent, I don't miss a day, and I drink tons of water that helps with the hydration of my skin, keeping my pores looking good.

My friend Angela Bailey has always recommended you and her face looks amazing, so I thought "what do I have to lose?"


Maedeh: Oh, my goodness, that's exactly right. What do you have to lose? That's awesome. I am so glad we met. So how long has it been since you've been receiving clinical treatments for your rosacea?


Megan: It's been since January 2021.


Maedeh: It's April 2022 at the time of this recording. How do you feel about your skin now? Can you talk about the transformation in your skin?


Megan: I used to look like I had a sunburn all the time. And I had the acne that would never come to a head, but it was really hard, like knots that you get on your face, and they were extremely painful. They hurt awfully and I had them usually in the middle of my forehead and my cheeks.

Now, like I said, I haven't had a breakout. And the intensity of my redness has definitely improved, I don't have to wear makeup every day. I now definitely feel more confident in my skin than I had for years. I wish I would have sought help sooner instead of just dealing with it.


Maedeh: Wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing your story. Do you have any advice for other women out there who are challenged with rosacea or a skin condition and don't know what to do?


Megan: Definitely, don't wait. Find yourself a great esthetician. Listen to the recommendations and be consistent. You've got to have something more than the over-the-counter stuff. You got to have something custom that is customized to your skin's needs.


Maedeh: Absolutely, 100%. This was fun. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Fun fact, April is Rosacea Awareness Month! All right, Megan, thanks again for coming onto the show and I look forward to seeing you next time.

What a self-confidence boost when you feel good in your skin. I'm so happy Megan took a chance and decided to seek help.