Tasneem went from insecure and embarrassed to glowing and confident with my "Clear Your Acne" program

Tasneem went from insecure and embarrassed to glowing and confident with my "Clear Your Acne" program

In this week's episode of The Skin Coach in Georgia podcast, I interviewed Tasneem who has experienced our "Clear your acne" program and shares her journey to clear skin today.

Maedeh Samimi:

Hi Tasneem, It's so good to have you. You've been coming to Urban Skin Care Clinic for a year now, right?

Tasneem Salem: 

Yes, and I've loved my experience. I haven't had an experience like this in quite a while. I've loved all the benefits and the outcomes that I've gotten with my skin. So I'm going to always continue coming to Urban Skin Care Clinic for my skincare needs.

Maedeh Samimi:

Well, you know that you're one of my favorites! Why don't we start with your journey with acne? That's why you started coming to Urban Skin Care Clinic. When did your acne start? And what did you do about it?

Tasneem Salem: 

So my acne started when I was a freshman in high school. At first, it started as a little bit of acne around my forehead and some areas on my face, and then over the years, it gradually started getting worse. So that's when I started looking into home remedies and trying anything and everything to make my acne go away, especially with trying to make it go away overnight. Obviously, it did not happen. So, I went to a dermatologist. I have seen over three dermatologists for my skin, and all of them prescribed so many different medications, which my acne would get better for maybe 2-3 months but then it would just come back.

Maedeh Samimi:

Let's talk about the emotional part of having acne. How did it feel to have acne, trying home remedies and prescription medication, but nothing seemed to work longterm?

Tasneem Salem: 

Honestly, it was one of my biggest insecurities. There was never a day where I left the house without makeup on. I was very, very insecure. I always made sure covered up my blemishes. It really took a big toll on my life, and especially on how I presented myself in front of people. I never  made eye contact with people, and It really did bring my confidence down.

Maedeh Samimi:

You mentioned you did seek help from dermatologists. How was that journey? How did your dermatologist visits go? And did you see any estheticians for any treatments.

Tasneem Salem: 

When I started going to dermatologists, they gave me medications such as pills or topicals such as clindamycin or benzoyl peroxide just to kind of make my acne a little bit better, but it honestly didn't do anything. It probably was a little bit better for like a month or two. And then you know, if you're not on a consistent schedule, your acne will flare up. So there was constantly weeks where my skin would just flare up and nothing was going well. And then they suggested they wanted to put me on accutane, but I knew I wanted to stay away from it just because of the negative effects. So honestly, my experience with dermatologists was never a very good experience.

Maedeh Samimi:

What made you try Urban Skin care Clinics, and how has your experience been so far?

Tasneem Salem: 

My experience has been one of the best things that has ever happened to me, especially coming from a different esthetician that I used to go to, she honestly did not give me results that lasted. So, I came across Urban Skin Care Clinic, from my lovely mother. She told me all about the benefits that my skin was going to have and from the way her skin was changing, I thought I should give you a try, and honestly just put my 100% trust in you. You know so much about skin and you listened to everything that I wanted to fix in my skin. Having somebody that's actually going to listen to my concerns and my needs is the best thing ever. That's exactly what you did, and it is the reason I'm still coming to you because I have seen tremendous progress with my skin.

Maedeh Samimi:

Think back to when you first started your "Clear Your Acne" journey when you first started coming for treatments and starting a whole new skincare regimen. Talk about those day while you were going through the journey to achieve clear skin. Because I want to paint a realistic picture. It's not like acne will disappear overnight or even in a week or two. How was that journey for you? I'm sure you still broke out even after you were coming in for treatments. You were spending time, money and energy. And you were still breaking out. How was that? What was going through your mind? And what made you keep going?

Tasneem Salem: 

When I first started coming to you, my skin, I would say was 60% 70% on the clear side. But when I started getting treatments with you, my skin was definitely on an up and down cycle. And that's how I feel like skin is always going to be no matter what it is that you're trying to get rid of.  And when we started doing chemical peels, my skin did go through a lot of cycles. I was purging and I thought my acne was getting worse, but I still kept pushing. One thing that I definitely learned is to build patience.

And I just put my trust into you! You have to stay consistent and I never kind of gave up because without consistency you're never going to get the results. I just feel like even if you have those doubtful days, you kind of have to keep your head up and keep going, because the outcome is always going to be positive.

Maedeh Samimi:

I agree. 100%. So your intuition was telling you, you're on the right path, your your skin will heal, and your acne will clear. And there are brighter days ahead. I love that. How do you feel about your skin now?  We're working on some acne scarring now. And just in general rejuvenation, how is your skin doing and looking now?

Tasneem Salem: 

My skin has came such a long way and I have never loved my skin this way. It is the best that it's ever been. I am really loving the Microchanneling treatments, and it is probably one of my favorite things that I've ever invested in! Thank you

Maedeh Samimi:

What advice do you have for someone who's struggling with acne and they feel like they've tried it all and nothing's worked. And they're feeling hopeless and holpless, helpless?

Tasneem Salem: 

My number one advice is consistency and patience. You have to have patience with your skin, because nothing is ever going to happen overnight. For instance if you're on a fitness journey, you're not going to get results overnight, you're gonna have to be consistent with that routine to see change. So especially putting all this hard work into your skin sticking to a regimen following up with your facial appointments. That's how you're going to see improvement. I have honestly enjoyed my acne journey. It was interesting and fun to see my skin going through all the changes and phases of healing.

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If you are ready for a long-term solution and clear yours acne in as little as 3 months, send me an email; hello@urbanskincareclinic.com


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