Urban Skin Care Clinic

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Common skincare questions answered

Skincare can be really complicated—we hear you. Amidst newly emerging fads, trends, products, and buzzwords, it’s only natural to feel confused. However, you’re not the only one seeking answers, we promise. And we are answering some of your most commonly asked questions in this article.

Why do you ask clients to fill out an intake form?

Well, to gain an insight to your health and any concerns you might be having with your skin. Different illnesses, conditions, and medications affect people differently, therefore, it will determine the way we proceed with your treatments.

Why didn't all of my blackheads get extracted?

First, let's go over the difference between blackheads and sebaceous filaments; a black head or a white head are commonly known as comedones. A blackhead is an open comedone because the plug inside the pore is exposed to air, therefore it oxidizes and turns dark, hence the name blackhead. When there is a layer of skin over this plugged pore and the pus inside is not exposed to air, it remains white, hence the name Whitehead. Now sebaceous filaments are extra sebum or oil production that get stuck in your pores. Most commonly on the T zone; forehead, nose and chin. And those areas will fill again and again because we have larger pores on our T zone for secretion of sweat and oil. But with proper skincare and ingredient use you can significantly lower the amount of impactions over time. Also, with the help of professional extractions you will have less and less congestion, which in return your pores appear smaller. And when it comes to extractions during a facial, we prepare the skin beforehand for extractions, there's a short window to proceed, and we know when to stop. If you keep going once the skin has had enough there's a chance to cause damage, scarring and traumatizing the skin, which is why it's so important to leave extractions to your esthetician.

Fun fact: the more hydrated your skin, the easier and better extractions go!

What does it take to become an esthetician?

Well, in the state of Georgia; you have to pass 1000 hours of theory and hands on training which then you will have to take a written and practical exam. Once you pass both of those exams then you will be able to obtain your aesthetic license.

How should I prepare for my first appointment?

First and foremost stop any and all active ingredients such as retinol and medicated topicals. Stop exfoliating three to five days before your appointment and bring your current skincare routine with you to your first appointment so your esthetician can assess what you've been doing with your skin, what's working, what's not working and go from there. And then from there, she can customize a routine for your skin's need and condition.

What are some best practices after a facial treatment?

It's a good idea to change your pillowcase the night of your facial, but also get in the habit of changing your pillowcase at least once a week.

What should I expect after facial treatment?

Well, that 100% depends on what type of treatment you receive. But in general, if you do a facial type treatment, expect to feel and look very clean, smooth, bright, and very well hydrated.

How do you determine what facial is best for my skin?

Based on your skin type and the improvements you'd like to see.

Is there really a way of getting rid of scars and improving skin texture?

Yes, absolutely. For acne scars and fine lines specifically, the microchanneling treatment we recently launched is ideal.

What's the most effective treatment for forehead wrinkles?

Well, it depends if you want to freeze your muscles from moving and creating creases on your forehead, then you should look into Botox. But, if you're looking to take a more natural and holistic approach and improve your skin's health in general, then I highly recommend microchanneling chemical peels and following a customized-for-you skincare routine at home because Botox and fillers are great, but they don't do anything for your skin's texture and tone, however, skincare does!

What is the most common mistake you see people making with their skin?

Hands down using the wrong skincare products at home, and following influencers who are not skincare therapists and are not qualified to offer skincare advice.

Do you think similar after-facial glow results can be achieved at home?

Absolutely not! Because a professional facial treatment utilizes above consumer grade products and modalities. Therefore you cannot achieve the same results.

What are your thoughts on LED therapy for acne?

Oh my goodness. I think blue LED therapy works wonders for acne.

My teenager is struggling with her skin. What do you recommend?

Well, first and foremost, when it comes to teenagers, the number one most important factor is wether their skin's appearance bother them, because they can have the best advice in the world, but if they don't follow through and do their part at home, nothing will change. So for all you moms out there, please make sure your teenager is willing to see change with their skin before seeking help and spending time, money and energy.

Are facials painful?

I wouldn't say painful. The only part that can be a little bit uncomfortable, would be the extractions and that's because some pressure needs to be applied to express impactions

Is it normal for my skin to feel sensitive or dry and or dry after a facial?

Yes, and that is because a professional treatment is almost like a workout for your skin. Any sensitivity or dryness you feel afterwards; think of it  as the soreness you feel after exercising.

Do facials make you break out?

No. a professional facial treatment will however, make your skin push out impurities so it will expedite the process of bring up and out what was underneath the skin but it's not going to cause breakouts.

What are the benefits of facials anyway?

Well, for starters, a facial treatment will

  • Deep clean your pores

  • Promote circulation

  • Relaxing, rejuvenating and deep hydrating

  • Tightening and toning your skin

  • Slow down the process of aging

  • Keep sun damage and breakouts under control

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