Urban Skin Care Clinic

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Common Skincare Questions Answered (Part 2)

Today, on the Skin Coach in Georgia Podcast,  I am answering some of your frequently asked questions.


1) What causes premature aging?

Well, the number one culprit of premature aging is the sun. Excess sun exposure specially on unprotected skin will lead into lines, wrinkles, loss of elasticity, and that leathery looking skin. Other factors such as smoking, alcohol tanning beds, lead to premature aging as well. 

2) I am in my 40s and have never taken proper care of my skin. Is it too late to start Now?

The short answer is NO.  What you'll need is professional guidance to get you on track. With a customized for you treatment plan and a skincare routine tailored to your skin's specific needs, you will be able to correct some things depending on what your major concern is. And age gracefully, which is the goal. Aging is inevitable, right? But when we take care of ourselves, we feel good inside and we feel confident and that shows on the outside, in your demeanor, the way you present yourself and in all aspects of your life. It's much like someone wanting to make healthier choices and wanting to live a better, healthier life, It can be overwhelming to start on your own and try to figure it out. You'll need someone to hold your hand. Skin is  very similar to physical health. So I would say seek a professional and come up with a plan and stick with it.


3) What happens to my skin as I get older?

The number one thing that happens as we age is that we lose collagen and that leads to hollowness on the temples, flattening of our cheeks and skin sagging. Hence why a lot of woman will get filler in the cheeks to restore loss of volume. Also, taking collagen supplements is helpful if you trust the source. But when it comes to skin treatments, microchanneling with growth factors and laser treatments to stimulate collagen are fantastic. You also want to definitely have sunscreen of course in your routine as well as vitamin C and retinol.


4) How do I properly use a face roller?

You always want to apply your skincare products as well as use a face roller on your skin in an upward and out motion. So essentially from jaw line up to the orbital bone and from sides of your nose out to your ears. You always want to go against gravity. And here's a fun tip. These face rollers are great over acne. If you have inflamed acne keep your roller in the freezer and kind of go over that inflamed acne, and that'll help with calming the inflammation down.


5) How does stress affect my skin?

Well, unmanaged stress increases cortisol level which leads to skin's sebaceous glands to produce more oil and that leads to acne.


6) How can I shrink my pores?

Sorry to break it to you but you are born with your pore size, you can't shrink shrink them. What you can do is minimize their appearance by keeping them clean, getting extractions regularly, using non comedogenic skincare and makeup, exfoliating regularly and using retinol or Retin A. 


7) What every skincare routine needs?

*  A non-comedogenic makeup remover

* A cleanser suited for your skin type 

* Vitamin C serum

*  An AHA or BHA serum depending on your skin type

* Moisturizer

* Retinol 

* Eye cream

* A physical exfoliant 

* A mask for your skin type


8) What causes acne? 

Well, a lot of things but acne first and foremost is an inherited disorder of the pores. However, there are lifestyle and diet choices that exacerbate acne.


Email the word "acne" to learn about the 5 foods to avoid if you have acne and what to eat instead.


Email the word "Ingredients" to hello@urbanskincareclinic.com to learn about pore clogging ingredients in your skincare and makeup products.