Urban Skin Care Clinic

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8 Skincare myths and the truth behind them!

When it comes to skincare, there are a lot of myths and misconceptions out there.


1) Your skin ages the same way as your mom's

Well, genetics do play a significant role in the characteristics of your skin specially in pore size, tone, and texture. But healthy skincare habits play a more important role in aging gracefully.

The biggest culprit in aging is sun exposure, drinking, smoking habits, and daily level of stress. Sleep habits also play a big role.


2) Acne stops after your teenage years

The fact is that acne doesn't stop after your teenage years because the hormones that cause acne or trigger breakouts don't stop.

Acne is very complex. There's so much that triggers a breakout. Especially for us as women, our hormones fluctuate on a monthly basis which can cause pesky pimples to appear on the jawline, chin, forehead, and neck area.


3) Oily skin types can't use facial oils

Some people believe that if they have an oily skin type, they can't use moisturizer. The truth is that instead of making the skin look greasy or clogging pores, some facial oils  (definitely NOT coconut oil). Specific facial oils play a role in balancing the oil production in the skin.

Also, keep in mind that an oily skin type can definitely be dehydrated if they're not hydrating their skin properly. So an oily skin type absolutely needs a lightweight moisturizer after cleansing.


4) Using body scrubs on your face is a safe exfoliation method

This is the furthest from the truth. A body scrub should never touch your face. A heavy-duty scrub combined with intense rubbing can lead to tiny tears in the skin, leading to redness and/or irritation that can weaken your skin's barrier.


5) Sunscreen is necessary only when you spend long hours in the sun

The truth is  SPF of 30 or 50 should be worn every day at all times of the year regardless of rain or shine.

Most people apply sunscreen when spending long hours in the sun but most UV damage is caused by day-to-day exposure which adds up. Many years down the line, it surfaces as sunspots, dark spots, and skin cancer.

So the most UV damage is caused by day-to-day exposures such as driving to and from work, walking your dog or walking to the mailbox, or running errands.

Wearing sunscreen daily regardless of activity is crucial to preserving healthy, beautiful skin. Even while indoors we're still exposed to the sun's rays. Think about it, if your houseplants can survive on the little sunlight that is being led into your home, those rays are also affecting your skin.


6) It's fine to tan as long as you don't burn

Well, here's the truth, there is no such thing as a healthy suntan.

When your skin is exposed to UV radiation, it attempts to protect itself by overproducing the pigment in your skin which is called melanin, which creates the tan. Every time your skin changes color, it's an indication that your skin has been damaged by the UV rays.


7) Drying out your skin will help reduce acne breakouts

The truth is that dry skin is irritated skin and you're promoting breakouts if you dry out your skin regularly.


8) Harsh skincare products will clear up your acne

Once again, you're most likely irritating your skin more than working toward a solution.

A mild cleanser used twice daily with lukewarm to cool water is the best. Now if you seek professional help, a dermatologist or an aesthetician will decide if you should use a stronger product for your skin and your acne.

Both drying out your skin and using harsh products can cause inflammation, and inflammation can lead to more breakouts.


There you have it, 8 skincare myths and the truth behind them. Which one were you surprised by?